7.D. Absurdity as Liberation

Absurdity is a mechanism for disrupting current realities and making space for the imagination of new ones. It dismantles certainty and hierarchy by replacing them with unpredictability and fluidity. Higher mathematics seeks to turn random action into scalable patterns independent of actors, closing windows to wonder. The colors of this morning’s sunrise. Khrom.

I once wrote a love letter to a shape, never expecting a reply. The postman returned the undeliverable mail, the address circled.

Person 1: There was a situation at work today. Things resolved quickly, but the air was thicker after that. Like someone had cooked a cheesesteak in the breakroom. It felt more difficult to breathe.

Person 2: Maybe someone did cook a cheesesteak in the kitchen. 

Person 1: No, it was much more serious than that. 

Person 2: What sort of sandwich was it?

Our imagination for outer space is too strongly tethered to rationality and our limited imagination for here. The journey and destination encompass more than conquest, conflict, or plunder. Dancing to an uncertain rhythm under the stars, we find no practicality in planning for the cost of tickets to a different show or trying to reach the center of some other dancefloor. The sound astounding, space has no productivity, glorious mundanity. Eudaimonia unleashed by someone planking on a drive-thru sign.